Day 4, Denmark, January 13th 2012

Tea 4: Yunnan Green Oolong, Tom’s Apartment.

After waking up at around 9:30am I decided to take myself out into the city and do some classic touristy photog-ing whilst Tom slept off his hangover from his mates leaving-do the night before.  The sun was shining and the air was chilly and the city felt calm and relaxed.  Walking around on my own was a nice experience, being in the mode of the tourist as well.  I usually hate ‘feeling’ like a tourist, and although I still felt a little self-conscious it was nice to not be so bothered.  I wandered around by the train station, the currently closed Tivoli amusement park, and through the small sculpture garden of Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek with it’s steadily greening Auguste Rodin‘s The Thinker, watching a few German tourists doing the posing in front of it.  Then back towards the flat via ‘Tiger’, an ikea type small store with everything from headphones to Yahtzee sets, I stocked up on Chocolate, Crisps/Chips, and, of course, TEA!  (Power Te, no doubt a photo feature soon)

Last night I stayed in whilst Tom was out on the town spending a small fortune! Almost ended up going to a club called Drone with Tom’s flat-mate Inga, and if I had of found Tom’s key to his bike I would have gone, but alas, after too long spent searching there was no luck, so I sat and twiddled my thumbs before heading to sleep.  Inga has invited me to some Cabaret event in Christiania on Saturday night, so hopefully I will make it to that and see some interesting things.

Tea was another helping of my Yunnan Green Oolong, this time I treated myself to a pot and fancy cup, managed to make a nice delicate mix.  Looking forward to the Power Tea, though imagine it will be for mornings only due to the Guarana and Gingko Biloba…..

One Comment on “Day 4, Denmark, January 13th 2012”

  1. Millie says:

    The green monster looks like me in a bad mood!!

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